Shamima Parvin, previously serving as the Superintendent of Police (SP) at the Rangpur Police Training Center, has been appointed as the new Superintendent of Police for the Rajbari district. The Ministry of Home Affairs issued the official notification on Tuesday, September 3.
The current Superintendent of Police, G.M. Abul Kalam Azad, has been transferred to the Armed Police Battalion (APBn).
Shamima Parvin joined the police force as an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) in 2006 through the 25th BCS.
She holds an MSc degree in Soil Science from the University of Dhaka. Originally from Kotwali in Dinajpur district, she has also served in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti with dedication. Additionally, she has held positions in RAB-12, RAB-5, Rangpur Metropolitan Police, and the Rangpur Police Training Center.