NTRCA Exam to be held as before

The Non-Government Teachers’ Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) is set to gain the power to recommend teacher appointments in private educational institutions directly. However, since there is currently no parliament, passing the required law is expected to take time. Given the circumstances, it has been suggested that the teacher registration exam might be conducted under the previous regulations.

The Awami League government had initiated the process of passing the new law while in power. However, following the government’s resignation and the subsequent dissolution of parliament, the passage of the law was halted. With no clear information on when a new government will be formed, the ongoing teacher shortage might be addressed through the 19th Teacher Registration Exam, as per the old system.

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Muhammad Nure Alam Siddiqui, a member of NTRCA (Educational Theory and Quality), told The Daily Campus, “Nothing can be definitively stated regarding the passage of the law or the teacher registration exam at this moment. Laws need to be presented in parliament to be passed. Since there is no parliament now, it’s uncertain when this will happen.”

An NTRCA source has indicated that there is a severe shortage of teachers in educational institutions across the country. Therefore, NTRCA aims to publish the registration exam notice as soon as possible. Several relevant authorities, including the education advisor, have been informed of the urgency. While the law’s passage remains in process, NTRCA is considering issuing the notice for the 19th Teacher Registration Exam.

An official from NTRCA’s Examination Evaluation and Certification branch, speaking anonymously, mentioned, “We intended to abolish the certification process through the 18th Teacher Registration. However, due to the unstable situation in the country, passing the law will take time. Thus, we are considering issuing the notice for the 19th Teacher Registration Exam. The necessary actions will be taken according to the ministry’s guidelines.”

Since its establishment in 2005, NTRCA has conducted 18 teacher registration exams, recommending jobs for over 100,000 certified individuals.

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