Ansar members flee after clashes with students in Dhaka secretariat

Dhaka, Bangladesh: Tensions escalated near the Dhaka Secretariat on Sunday, August 25, as students from Dhaka University and other colleges clashed with Ansar members, leading to a chaotic scene. The confrontation resulted in at least 30 students, including journalists, being injured.

The incident began earlier in the evening when Ansar members, who had been protesting for the nationalization of their jobs, detained interim government advisors inside the Secretariat and allegedly assaulted officials. In response, the leader of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, Hasnat Abdullah, called on students to march toward the Secretariat.

As the students approached, Ansar members reportedly threw bricks at them, leading to a violent exchange. Witnesses reported that students armed with sticks chased the Ansar members, forcing them to retreat. Some Ansar members were seen fleeing the scene, even removing their uniforms to avoid identification.

The clash continued with both sides hurling bricks at each other, and there were reports that Ansar members fired shots and used tear gas against the students. The injured were quickly taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for treatment.

Read More: Ansar Opens Fire on Students at Dhaka Secretariat

The situation took a turn when thousands of students, hearing about the clashes, joined the march toward the Secretariat, overwhelming the Ansar members and forcing them to retreat. The area was eventually secured by law enforcement, who restored order.

This violent episode follows days of protests by Ansar members at Shahbagh and the National Press Club, where they demanded the nationalization of their jobs. On Sunday afternoon, they even blocked several relief trucks meant for flood victims. Despite assurances from the Home Advisor that their demands would be met, the Ansar members remained steadfast in their demands, leading to the standoff at the Secretariat.

As students marched in solidarity with the detained officials, the situation escalated, culminating in the violent clashes and the eventual retreat of the Ansar members.

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