Kaptai Dam to Open 16 Gates Tonight, Warning Issued

Due to the rising water levels in Kaptai Lake, 16 spillway gates at the Karnaphuli Hydroelectric Plant will be opened 6 inches each at 10:00 PM tonight. A warning has been issued to the downstream areas to take necessary precautions.

On Saturday, August 24, at 2:10 PM, ATM Abduzzaher, the manager of Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB), stated, “As of 2:00 PM today, the water level in Kaptai Lake has reached 107.63 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL). If it approaches or exceeds 108 feet MSL by evening, we will open 16 gates of the Kaptai Spillway by 6 inches each at 10:00 PM. Please stay safe.”

Sources from the Kaptai Hydroelectric Plant indicated that the danger level is considered to be 108 feet MSL. If this level is reached, the excess water will be released to prevent any potential overflow from the dam.

Meanwhile, the rising water levels in Kaptai Dam have led to an increase in power production at the country’s only hydroelectric plant. The Kaptai Hydroelectric Plant is currently generating up to 219 megawatts of electricity daily across its five units, taking advantage of the higher water flow.

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