Syed Abed Ali Net Worth

PSC Driver Syed Abed Ali’s Net Worth Tk 500 million

Syed Abed Ali, a former driver for the Public Service Commission (PSC), is now at the center of a significant corruption investigation. Recent reports have revealed that Ali possesses assets worth at... Read more »
BCS Question Leak

BCS Question Leak now trending in Bangladesh

BCS Question Leak issue now trending in Bangladesh. It is also said that, 30 requirements exam questions including BCS leaked. For the past ten years, question paper leaks have affected about 30... Read more »
Tapswap Video Code 7 July

Tapswap Video Code 7 July: Today’s Special Task

TapSwap has been released the Video Code for 7 July today, Sunday. Players must submit the secret code for “5 Ways to Make Money on Cry” in the Special Task to claim... Read more »
46th BCS Written Exam Routine Published

46th BCS Written Exam Routine Published

The Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) announced the Written Examination Date of the 46th BCS on Thursday. As per the schedule, the written exam will commence on August 28 and continue till... Read more »
Half Yearly Summative Assessment Question allegation

Question leaks allegations on Half Yearly Summative Assessment Exam

The Half Yearly Summative Assessment 2024 for Class Six to Class Nine started yesterday, Wednesday (July 3). The Shanmashik Mullayon marked the beginning of the semester assessments for students from Class Six... Read more »
HSC Exam News for Coaching Center

HSC Exam 2024: Coaching Center to close for 44 days

HSC and Equivalent exams for 2024 will begin next Sunday (June 30). Coaching centers across the country will be closed for a total of 44 days to ensure a fair and leak-free... Read more »
Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat

Ifat is NBR member Matiur’s son

Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat, recently trending on social media nicknamed ‘Goat Ifat’ for buying an Eid sacrificial goat at a cost of Taka 12 lakh. He is the son of Dr Md Matiur... Read more »
Technical Board HSC BMT Routine 2024 Published at

HSC BMT Routine 2024 Published for 1st and 2nd Year Exam

Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) has published the HSC BMT Routine 2024 for Board Examination. The HSC BMT 1st Year and 2nd Year Exam going to take place on June 30, 2024.... Read more »
FIFA has changed Facebook Profile Picture Boycott Fifa Trends

FIFA has changed Facebook Profile Picture, fans start #BoycottFIFA trends

International Federation of Association Football, FIFA has recently changed the profile picture of their Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) accounts. Fans from Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan start #BoycottFIFA trends on social media.... Read more »